понедельник, 11 августа 2014 г.

Who Deleted Me Notifier apk free download

Who Deleted Me Notifier


Download .apk

Who deleted me on Facebook? Who unfriended me?

Ever asked yourself these questions? Ever wondered why the number of your friends has changed?

Now with the Notifier application you can be notified as soon as you "lose" any of your friends!

Don't forget that there's a free application as well which is ad-supported and doesn't have the notification feature.

Download .apk

Pat Peoples is down on his luck. The former high school history teacher has placed a mental institution and placed in the custody of his mother download Who Deleted Me Notifier free android app . To have not discouraged, Pat believes he has only inside for a few months? More than four years? And plans for reconciliation with his estranged wife. The refusal to accept that her next time is actually a permanent separation, Pat spends his days and nights trying feverishly the man she had become always wanted. Our hapless hero makes a friend in Tiffany, the mentally unstable, widowed sister-in-law of his best friend, made each day as Pat heads for his 10 - mile run, Tiffany drags mute him and refused to shake by the object of her affection be. The odd couple trying to navigate a timid friendship, but when Pat is not seen between friend and foe and reality from deranged proves proves every day, a cringe - worthy adventure.

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