воскресенье, 29 июня 2014 г.

free LOCKiosk Pro torrent download

LOCKiosk Pro


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LOCKiosk Pro is a kiosk application to lockdown screen for tablet and smartphone. It creates a homepage giving the user access to authorized applications only and to secure a tablet or a smartphone device. To quit the kiosk and unlock the device, a secured password defined by the administrator must be entered. The administrator can define and manage the locked area by selecting only the applications that the user has been authorized access to. The possibility to download content, install applications, access or modify system settings, and internet access may also be blocked on the device for example. The mobile security is enforced

LOCKiosk Pro is a Mobile Device Management and Mobile Application Management app to control and secure the use of installed apps on the terminal.

LOCKiosk Pro characteristics:

- Available for smartphones and tablets running on Android 2.2 and above;

- Customizable home page (title, background, page name, number of pages…);

- Organize authorized applications by page or spread them over several pages;

- Block unauthorized applications;

- Authorize or block application activity windows;

- Option to hide an authorized application icon;

- Prevent users from modifying device settings;

- The administrator can unlock the kiosk with a password;

- Unlimited applications in the kiosk window;

- No advertisements on screen.

ATTENTION: in the event of loss of the password, you will need to reset the terminal, all data and settings will be lost.

Example of use

- Tablets in retail

- Tablets and smartphones for field force (sales force, pharmaceutical sales teams, technicians, delivery people, controllers, repairmen…)

- Tablets at school/university

- …

LOCKiosk Pro is published by Telelogos, a software company. Telelogos also publish a Device Management (MDM), Application Management and Data Synchronization software solution “MediaContact” which allows centralized management of mobile device fleets (inventory, updates, software distribution, kiosk, data synchronization ...).

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Harvey Weinstein wants another Rambo sequel?As with The Bourne Ultimatum, I feel that the fans will not happy if she happy if they went on and made a fourth film download LOCKiosk Pro apk . It 's not because they would Matt Damon to see Matt Damon and again that ultimatum was a great finale. Paul Greengrass took a really big result that built up in three films and ended perfectly. It would be a shame to see them try and start the franchise, so perfect to end, and the result is probably not nearly as good. This is the same problem I see previous in an attempt to bring and Rambo. Harvey, who turns 56 in March, said Nikki Finke that I like the idea of an older man kicking ass like Maybe it's because I 'm older, Who does not like the idea of of a 61-year-old Sylvester Stallone kick more ass? Our own expert Ken Evans said he welcome[s] Sylvester Stallone giving us closure of its iconic characters in his review of Rambo. What I have been of almost any of my friends can be heard, movie but it bad of a movie, but it is also a good farewell to the beloved killing machine character. But that's the key - all that I have spoken has said it was a great farewell, that brings up the question, would like a sequel to play to fans of Rambo.

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